Saturday, July 31, 2010

Exploring Beauty: Session 3 1/2

Welcome once again to this week's Exploring Beauty! The topic originally scheduled for this week has been postponed to next week, but it's going to be all good! We'll have a good time and we're going to explore some beauty!

Just for a little change of pace, I'd like to turn this week's blog over to the readers. Firstly, I'd like to thank the people who have left comments here and on facebook regarding Pixels and Pigments. Your feedback and support of our blog is just awesome! The reading responses on the first session of Exploring Beauty was so appreciated and we look forward to more of our reader's opinions and feedback.

So, what is it that I want from our readers this week?

I want to know what you think is beautiful. From the very big, to the very small. What do you see as beautiful? What other topics would you like to see this blog explore? Make suggestions for future segments, not just concerning Exploring Beauty, but anything that you'd like to see! What other things would you like information on? Our readers are very important to us, so we're always very eager for feed back!

Thanks guys!

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